Featured Installation: Fröling P4 Fully Automatic Pellet Boiler-Stanislaus Housing, West Rutland, Vermont

Project Name: Stanislaus Housing, Barnes St. West Rutland, VT
Systems Installed: Fröling P4 48/60 pellet boiler, 2-220 gallon thermal storage tanks, 2-5 ton cloth silos for pellet storage.
There is also solar heating for domestic hot water with 5-119 gallon Solar Indirect Hot Water Tanks
Sold By: Sunwood Biomass 802-583-9300
Completion Date: Winter 2012
A boiler system is heating two fully renovated buildings housing 17 apartments. The buildings were once a Catholic school and convent. The total cost of the project was approximately $4.3 million with funds from the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board, HUD’s HOME, the Neighborhood Stabilization Program, and a community development block grant.
For more information, please feel free to call us at 717-325-2707 or visit our website www.woodboilers.com
Very nice pictures of your installations. Very enjoyable. Wood boilers is a tricky business